The Flash Wikia Wiki

Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)
Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)

     Zoom is one of the villains of The Flash (Wally West). He has the same abilites as all the other Reverse Flashes. He is the third out of five of the Reverse Flashes. Before Hunter became Zoom, he worked with Wally West as a scientist and were good friends. Later on, Hunter was attacked by Gorilla Grodd and was paralyzed from the waist down. He then asked Wally if he could use the cosmic treadmill, but Wally refused to let him because it might damage the timestream. So, Hunter decided to break into the Flash Museum and use the treadmill himself. Doing so gave him the power of altering his personal timeline, since he was given superspeed from the treadmill. He later on reveals himself to Wally and also later kills Wally's wife, Linda Park. He does so by vibrating his hand through her head, instantly damaging her brain molecules to immediately kill her.